Renato O. L. Rosa, Claysson H. A. Silva, Thiago F. Oliveira, Mauricio Silveira, Ludmilla M. S. Aguiar (2021)
Type of shelter and first description of the echolocation call of disk-winged bat (Thyroptera devivoi).
Biota Neotropica
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DOI: 10.1590/1676-0611-bn-2019-0821
Franger J. García, Hillary J. Cabrera Peña, Guillermo Flórez, Oriana Vásquez-Parra, Marjorie Machado, Dayana Araujo-Reyes (2019)
First records of Thyroptera lavali (Chiroptera, Thyropteridae) for the Guiana Shield with an updated distribution of Thyroptera species in Venezuela.
Mammalia83: 219.
DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2018-0020
Miguel E. Rodríguez-Posada, Camilo Fernández-Rodríguez, Polidoro Sandoval (2021)
Northern distributional extensions of Peropteryx leucoptera and Peropteryx pallidoptera (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from Vichada, Colombia.
Mammalogy Notes7: 192.
DOI: 10.47603/mano.v7n1.192
Diego A. Torres, Abel Eduardo Rojas (2020)
First record of Sanborn’s bonneted bat, Eumops hansae (Molossidae), in Colombia.
Mammalia84: 595.
DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2019-0140
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