Corresponding author: Chase H. Smith ( ) Academic editor: Juan Francisco Araya © Chase H. Smith, Clinton R. Robertson, Charles R. Randklev. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Citation:
Smith CH, Robertson CR, Randklev CR (2022) DNA barcoding identifies a novel population of the imperiled Trinity Pigtoe, Fusconaia chunii (Lea, 1862) (Bivalvia, Unionidae), in the San Jacinto River drainage in Texas. Check List 18(6): 1255-1262. |
The Trinity Pigtoe, Fusconaia chunii (Lea, 1862), is a freshwater mussel endemic to the Trinity River drainage in Texas. Here, we report the first population of F. chunii in the San Jacinto River drainage in Texas. We identified three specimens of F. chunii using DNA barcoding, which were morphologically indistinguishable from syntopic Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820). A similar issue occurs in the Trinity River drainage. Fusconaia chunii is listed as state threatened, and future research is necessary to assess its status within the San Jacinto River drainage