Check List 17(4): 1055-1059, doi: 10.15560/17.4.1055
Thismia panamensis (Standl.) Jonker (Thismiaceae): first record for southern Brazil
expand article infoInti de Souza
‡ Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Open Access

A new southernmost record of Thismia panamensis (Standl.) Jonker in Brazil extends the occurrence of this species to the Atlantic Rainforest. This species was found in Parque Estadual Serra da Baitaca, in Paraná state, where other new records of mycoheterotrophic plants have recently been made. The new record highlights the wide distribution of the species, as it occurs in different ecosystems along a significant latitudinal gradient.

Atlantic Rainforest, saprophytes, Serra do Mar