Corresponding author: Michelle Geraldine Campi ( ) Academic editor: Meike Piepenbring © Michelle Geraldine Campi, Yanine Maubet, Enzo Cristaldo, Emanuel Grassi, Nelson Menolli Junior. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Campi MG, Maubet Y, Cristaldo E, Grassi E, Menolli Junior N (2019) Pluteus Fr. (Pluteaceae, Agaricales) in Paraguay: morphological studies and new records. Check List 15(2): 313-322. |
Four species of Pluteus Fr. are documented based on recently collected specimens from Alto Paraguay and Central Department, which correspond to the Pantanal and Humid Chaco ecoregions, respectively. Pluteus fibulatus Singer, P. longistriatus (Peck) Peck, P. petasatus (Fr.) Gillet, and P. triplocystis Singer are newly recorded species of the mycobiota of Paraguay; P. triplocystis is also a newly recorded for South America. Descriptions and photographs of both macro- and microscopic features of each species are included along with a brief discussion on their taxonomy, ecology, and distribution.