Corresponding author: Leidy A. Ramírez-Fráncel ( ) Academic editor: Paul Velazco © 2018 Leidy A. Ramírez-Fráncel, Leidy V. García-Herrera, Gladys Reinoso Florez. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ramírez-Fráncel LA, García-Herrera LV, Reinoso Florez G (2018) First record of Platyrrhinus albericoi Velazco, 2005 (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) in the eastern slope of the Central Andes of Colombia. Check List 14(6): 1161-1167. |
We report the first record of the bat Platyrrhinus albericoi Velazco, 2005 on the eastern slope of the Colombian Central Andes. Currently there are records of this species on the western slope of the Central Andes, eastern slope of the western Andes, and both slope of the eastern Andes in Colombia. We performed a morphological review of the specimens from several Colombian collections and analyzed their character variation, life zone, and distribution in Colombia. The geographic range of P. albericoi is increased and a new life zone, Premontane Wet Forest (bmh-PM in Spanish), is added to its distribution.