Check List 13(4): 355-361, doi: 10.15560/13.4.355
First record of the De Vivo’s Disk-winged Bat, Thyroptera devivoi Gregorin, Gonçalves, Lim & Engstrom, 2006 (Chiroptera, Thyropteridae), from Colombia, with comments about the record of Thyroptera lavali Pine, 1993 from the country
Miguel Rodriguez-Posada‡,
Camilo Fernández-Rodríguez‡,
Darwin Morales-Martínez‡,
María Calderón-Capote‡‡ Fundación Reserva Natural La Palmita, Bogotá, Colombia
Corresponding author:
Miguel Rodriguez-Posada
Academic editor: Annia Rodriguez-San Pedro © 2017 Miguel Rodriguez-Posada, Camilo Fernández-Rodríguez, Darwin Morales-Martínez, María Calderón-Capote. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rodríguez-Posada ME, Fernández-Rodríguez C, Morales-Martínez DM, Calderón-Capote MC (2017) First record of the De Vivo’s Disk-winged Bat, Thyroptera devivoi Gregorin, Gonçalves, Lim & Engstrom, 2006 (Chiroptera, Thyropteridae), from Colombia, with comments about the record of Thyroptera lavali Pine, 1993 from the country. Check List 13(4): 355-361. |  |
We report the first record of Thyroptera devivoi from Colombia in a palm swamp of Mauritia flexuosa in an aeolian seasonally flooded savanna ecosystem. This record is the seventh specimen and the fifth locality known for T. devivoi and extends the known distribution of the species 1250 km northwest from nearest locality in Guyana. We revised the specimen that was previously reported as voucher material of Thyroptera lavali from Colombia, but it matches in all characters with Thyroptera tricolor. We considered the presence of T. lavali in Colombia uncertain.
Neotropical flooded savannas, gallery forest, geographic distribution, range extension