Check List 12(3): e19500, doi: 10.15560/12.3.1898
First records of the genus Allotilla Schuster, 1949 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) in Brazil
Tiago H. Auko‡,
Pedro R. Bartholomay§,
David R. Luz|,
George C. Waldren¶,
Kevin A. Williams#‡ Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Brazil§ Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia, Brazil| Universidade Federal do Paraná., Brazil¶ Utah State University, United States of America# Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, United States of America
Corresponding author:
Tiago Auko
© 2017 Tiago Auko, Pedro Bartholomay, David Luz, George Waldren, Kevin Williams. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Waldren G, Auko T, Bartholomay P, Luz D, Williams K (2016) First records of the genus Allotilla Schuster, 1949 (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) in Brazil. Check List 12(3): 1898. |  |
The monotypic genus Allotilla Schuster, 1949, previously known only from the Chaco biogeographic province of Argentina and Paraguay, is recorded for the first time in Brazil. These new records extend the known range of the genus to a new biogeographic dominion.
Araucaria Forest province; Chaco province; Cerrado province, Sphaeropthalminae; velvet ant