Check List 12(1): e19425, doi: 10.15560/12.1.1823
Checklist of periphytic diatoms in streams of the Pirapó River basin, Paraná state, Brazil
Carina Moresco‡,
Liliana Rodrigues§‡ CEI - Centro Educacional Integrado, Brazil§ Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil
Corresponding author:
Carina Moresco
© 2017 Carina Moresco, Liliana Rodrigues. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rodrigues L, Moresco C (2016) Checklist of periphytic diatoms in streams of the Pirapó River basin, Paraná state, Brazil. Check List 12(1): 1823. |  |
In lotic environments, diatoms have high richness and represent important elements of biodiversity and genetic resources of these sites. Given the impacts caused by urbanization and agriculture on streams and the responses of the periphytic diatom community, this study aims to provide a checklist of epilithic diatoms in two streams: one located in an urban area and the other in rural area. Bimonthly samples were taken along the longitudinal gradient of streams (headwaters, middle and mouth) from July 2007 through August 2008. Permanent slides were deposited in the Herbarium of the State University of Maringá. In the rural stream, we identified 124 species belonging to 47 genera and 26 families and in the urban stream, 79 species belonging to 34 genera and 20 families. The streams had 68 taxa in common. In both streams, the most representative family was Naviculaceae.
Bacillariophyceae; algae; urban stream; epilithon; water quality; bioindicator