Check List 11(3): e19247, doi: 10.15560/11.3.1649
A coastal population of Large-blotched Ensatina Ensatina klauberi (Caudata: Plethodontidae) in Baja California, México
expand article infoJorge Heriberto Valdez-Villavicencio, Anny Peralta-Garcia, Bradford Damion Hollingsworth§
‡ Conservacion de Fauna del Noroeste, A.C., Mexico§ San Diego Natural History Museum, United States of America
Open Access
We found a new population of Ensatina klauberi in San Quintín volcanic field, Baja California. It represents the first coastal population of this species. This record extends the species range ca. 71 km southwest of the southernmost record of E. klauberi in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir and represents the first population discovered outside of coniferous and pine-oak woodlands.