Check List 11(3): e19221, doi: 10.15560/11.3.1623
New records of Merriam’s Shrew (Sorex merriami) from western North Dakota
Michael J. Shaughnessy Jr.‡,
Neal Woodman§ ‡ Dickinson State University; Northeastern State University, United States of America§ National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, United States of America
Corresponding author:
Michael Shaughnessy Jr.
© 2017 Michael Shaughnessy Jr., Neal Woodman. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Shaughnessy Jr. M, Woodman N (2015) New records of Merriam’s Shrew (Sorex merriami) from western North Dakota. Check List 11(3): 1623. | |
Despite having a broad geographic distribution, Merriam’s Shrew (Sorex merriami Dobson 1890) is known from a relatively few, widely-scattered localities. In North Dakota, the species was known from only a single poorly-preserved specimen collected in 1913 near Medora. We recently collected two new specimens of Merriam’s Shrew from Billings and McKenzie counties in the western quarter of the state. These specimens confirm the presence of S. merriami in North Dakota and better define the northeastern edge of the species’ distribution.
geographic range; Great Plains; prairie dog town; Cynomys