Check List 10(6): 1359-1379, doi: 10.15560/10.6.1359
Heterogeneity of the woody flora of swamp forests in southeastern and southern Brazil
Bruno Coutinho Kurtz‡,
Elisa Araujo Penna Caris§,
Fabio Rubio Scarano|‡ Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil§ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil| Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Conservation International, Brazil
Corresponding author:
Bruno Kurtz
© 2017 Bruno Kurtz, Elisa Caris, Fabio Scarano. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Kurtz B, Caris E, Scarano F (2014) Heterogeneity of the woody flora of swamp forests in southeastern and southern Brazil. Check List 10(6): 1359-1379. |  |
Swamp forests are associated with hydromorphic soils and are naturally fragmented in their distribution. Several local phytosociological surveys on the woody flora of these forests have been conducted in southeastern and southern Brazil. We present here a comprehensive floristic list based on these surveys, including 77 families, 211 genera and 518 native species. The richest families were Myrtaceae (78 species), Fabaceae (47) and Lauraceae (38). The richest genera were Eugenia (24), Myrcia (24), Miconia (21) and Ocotea (20). The woody flora of these swamp forests has great heterogeneity, with most species occurring in one or few sites. Their flora is formed by a few flooding specialist or tolerant species, common in many sites, and many other species that come from the surrounding vegetation. Considering the high degree of deforestation in southeastern and southern Brazil, including swamp forests, the floristic patterns presented here can be useful for the future efforts of conservation, management and restoration of these forests.
Wetlands; floristics, Atlantic Forest; Cerrado; biodiversity conservation