Check List 10(6): 1324-1330, doi: 10.15560/10.6.1324
Floristic survey and species richness of aquatic macrophytes in water supply reservoirs
Suelen Cristina Alves-da-Silva‡,
Cleusa Bona‡,
Maria Cecília de Chiara Moço§,
Armando Carlos Cervi‡‡ Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil§ Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Corresponding author:
Suelen Alves-da-Silva
© 2017 Suelen Alves-da-Silva, Cleusa Bona, Maria Moço, Armando Cervi. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Alves-da-Silva S, Moço M, Bona C, Cervi A (2014) Floristic survey and species richness of aquatic macrophytes in water supply reservoirs. Check List 10(6): 1324-1330. |  |
The present study aimed a floristic survey of aquatic macrophytes in four water supply reservoirs (Iraí, Passaúna, Piraquara I and II) of the Iguaçu River basin, Paraná, Brazil. Sampling and herborization of biological material followed methods described in literature. The species were classified by life forms. We found 90 species in 57 genera and 36 families, were 52.7% are monospecific. The richest reservoir was Passaúna (40 spp.), followed by Iraí, Piraquara I and Piraquara II (36 spp. each). Cyperaceae was the most representative with 17 spp., followed by Asteraceae, Onagraceae and Polygonaceae (7 spp. each). Amphibious and emergent life forms were equally express throughout species (41% each). Since aquatic macrophytes structure and contribute to environment biodiversity, the present study can assist management and implementation of biodiversity conservation efforts.
floral inventory; aquatic macrophytes; reservoirs