Check List 9(5): 1108-1112, doi: 10.15560/9.5.1108
Distribution extension in Colombia and new records for Brazil of Micrurus isozonus (Cope, 1860) (Squamata, Serpentes, Elapidae)
expand article infoDarlan Tavares Feitosa, Matheus Godoy Pires§, Ana Lúcia da Costa Prudente, Nelson Jorge da Silva Jr.|
‡ Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Brazil§ Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil| Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Brazil
Open Access
Micrurus isozonus is a triadal coralsnake occurring in northern Venezuela, eastern Colombia, southern Guyana, and in the extreme northern Brazil. In this paper we firstly publish vouchers to Brazil, and report additional records from three localities in the mountainous region of Taião and Apiaú, state of Roraima. We also extend its known range to the Trans-Andean region in the Atlantic coast of northern South America, municipality of Cartagena at the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Additionally, we present meristic and morphometric data, including the species sintypes.