Check List 9(4): 894-896, doi: 10.15560/9.4.894
Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae Teratohyla midas (Lynch and Duellman, 1973) and Cochranella resplendens (Lynch and Duellman, 1973): First and second record respectively for Colombia
expand article infoCésar Malambo, Junner F. González-Ibarra§, Yudi C. Gomez-Polania|
‡ Corporacion Educativa Amigos Instituto Jean Piaget; Universidad de la Amazonia, Brazil§ Universidad de la Amazonia, Brazil| Universidad de la Amazonia; Empresa de servicios de Florencia SERVAF S.A. E.S.P., Brazil
Open Access
We present the first record of the glassfrog Teratohyla midas (Lynch and Duellman, 1973) for Colombia. This species, previously known in Ecuador, Peru and French Guiana, was collected at the municipalities of Belén de los Andaquíes and Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia. We also present the second record of Cochranella resplendens (Lynch and Duellman, 1973) for Colombia. The species was previously known from Santa Maria de Sucumbíos, department of Putumayo, Colombia.