Check List 8(1): 27-31, doi: 10.15560/8.1.027
Fishes of Sungai Enam and Sungai Telang in Temengor Reservoir, Perak, Malaysia
Zarul Hazrin Hashim‡,
Amir Shah Ruddin Md. Shah‡,
Mohd. Syaiful Mohammad§,
Mashhor Mansor‡,
Shahrul Anuar Mohd. Sah‡ ‡ University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia§ Pulau Banding Rainforest Research Center, Malaysia
Corresponding author:
Zarul Hashim
© 2017 Zarul Hashim, Amir Shah, Mohd. Mohammad, Mashhor Mansor, Shahrul Sah. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Hashim Z, Mansor M, Shah A, Mohammad M, Sah S (2012) Fishes of Sungai Enam and Sungai Telang in Temengor Reservoir, Perak, Malaysia. Check List 8(1): 27-31. | |
An inventory study of fishes was carried out from June 2003 to May 2004 at Sungai Enam and Sungai Telang, which was last logged 40 years ago. In spite of the negative impacts of logging, the study recorded a total of 21 fish species in these headwaters, comprising nine families. Sungai Telang recorded 19 species with 11 species classified as “locally rare”, whereas Sungai Enam recorded 11 species with nine species classified as “locally rare”. When species from previous studies were included, the total number of species recorded in Sungai Enam and Sungai Telang was 28 and 27 species respectively. The presence of Devario regina, Neolissochilus soroides and Poropuntius smedleyi in all inventory studies conducted indicate that both headwaters are healthy, and function as sources of clean water, nutrient supplies and fish recruits for Temengor Reservoir.
ichthyofauna; Malaysia