İlgaz Akata, Eda Kumru, Gülce Ediş, İsmail Acar, Ergin Sahin (2024)
Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data.
Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty24: 260.
DOI: 10.17475/kastorman.1599952
Yanine Maubet, Michelle G. Campi, Enzo Cristaldo, Gerardo L. Robledo (2022)
Introducing a new member of the genus Chlorophyllum: Chlorophyllum sapukai sp. nov., and new records from Paraguay.
Plant and Fungal Systematics67: 75.
DOI: 10.35535/pfsyst-2022-0009
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