R. A. Morais, C. E. L. Ferreira, S. R. Floeter (2017)
Spatial patterns of fish standing biomass across Brazilian reefs.
Journal of Fish Biology91: 1642.
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A. B. Anderson, H. T. Pinheiro, M. B. Batista, R. B. Francini-Filho, L. E. O. Gomes, A. F. Bernardino, P. Horta, J. C. Joyeux (2023)
Biogeographic patterns of marine fishes associated with rhodolith beds in the Southwestern Atlantic reveal an ecotone of biodiversity.
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Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Santa Catarina Coast, Southern Brazil, with Notes on Their Abundance and Spatial Distribution.
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Antônio B. Anderson, Jodir Pereira da Silva, Raquel Sorvilo, Carlo Leopoldo B. Francini, Sergio R. Floeter, João P. Barreiros (2020)
Population expansion of the invasive Pomacentridae Chromis limbata (Valenciennes, 1833) in southern Brazilian coast: long‐term monitoring, fundamental niche availability and new records.
Journal of Fish Biology97: 362.
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J. P. Quimbayo, O. R. C. Schlickmann, S. R. Floeter, I. Sazima (2018)
Cleaning interactions at the southern limit of tropical reef fishes in the Western Atlantic.
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Antônio B. Anderson, Jean‐Christophe Joyeux, Sergio R. Floeter (2020)
Spatiotemporal variations in density and biomass of rocky reef fish in a biogeographic climatic transition zone: trends over 9 years, inside and outside the only nearshore no‐take marine‐protected area on the southern Brazilian coast.
Journal of Fish Biology97: 845.
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Ectoparasite infection levels differ between fish from upwelling-exposed and sheltered rocky reefs areas in Brazil.
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Different speciation processes in a cryptobenthic reef fish from the Western Tropical Atlantic.
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Antônio Batista Anderson, Manuela Bernardes Batista, Fernando Zaniolo Gibran, Fabiana Cézar Félix-Hackradt, Carlos Werner Hackradt, José Antonio García-Charton, Sergio Ricardo Floeter (2019)
Habitat use of five key species of reef fish in rocky reef systems of southern Brazil: evidences of MPA effectiveness.
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Marcelo Soeth, Rafael Metri, Bruno Ivan Simioni, Robin Loose, Guilherme Suzano Coqueiro, Henry Louis Spach, Felippe Alexandre Daros, Johnatas Adelir-Alves (2020)
Vulnerable sandstone reefs: Biodiversity and habitat at risk.
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Ana M.R. Liedke, Hudson T. Pinheiro, Sergio R. Floeter, Giacomo Bernardi (2020)
Phylogeography of the banded butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus, indicates high connectivity between biogeographic provinces and ecosystems in the western Atlantic.
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Ana M. R. Liedke, Diego R. Barneche, Carlos E. L. Ferreira, Barbara Segal, Lucas T. Nunes, Ana P. Burigo, José A. Carvalho, Sonia Buck, Roberta M. Bonaldo, Sergio R. Floeter (2016)
Abundance, diet, foraging and nutritional condition of the banded butterflyfish (Chaetodon striatus) along the western Atlantic.
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A. B. Anderson, E. M. Salas, L.A. Rocha, S. R. Floeter (2017)
The recent colonization of south Brazil by the Azores chromis Chromis limbata.
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Maria L. F. Ternes, Vinicius J. Giglio, Thiago C. Mendes, Pedro H. C. Pereira (2018)
Follower fish of the goldspotted eel Myrichthys ocellatus with a review on anguilliform fish as nuclear species.
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Hudson T. Pinheiro, Luiz A. Rocha, Raphael M. Macieira, Alfredo Carvalho‐Filho, Antônio B. Anderson, Mariana G. Bender, Fabio Di Dario, Carlos Eduardo L. Ferreira, Jessé Figueiredo‐Filho, Ronaldo Francini‐Filho, João L. Gasparini, Jean‐Christophe Joyeux, Osmar J. Luiz, Michael M. Mincarone, Rodrigo L. Moura, José de Anchieta C. C. Nunes, Juan P. Quimbayo, Ricardo S. Rosa, Cláudio L. S. Sampaio, Ivan Sazima, Thiony Simon, Daniele A. Vila‐Nova, Sergio R. Floeter, Eric Treml (2018)
South‐western Atlantic reef fishes: Zoogeographical patterns and ecological drivers reveal a secondary biodiversity centre in the Atlantic Ocean.
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Brazilian marine biogeography: a multi-taxa approach for outlining sectorization.
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Jéssica P. Boelter, Fernanda C. Silva, Juan P. Quimbayo, Sergio R. Floeter (2024)
Broken expectations: Population decline of a key grouper species within a 30-year-old no-take MPA in the Southwestern Atlantic.
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Antônio B. Anderson, Thiago M. J. Fiuza, Gabriel S. Araujo, Angela M. Canterle, Luiza M. C. Canto, Renato H. A. Freitas, Otto B. F. Gadig, Sergio R. Floeter (2021)
A safe haven for potential reproductive aggregations of the critically endangered Brazilian guitarfish (Pseudobatos horkelii).
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Paulo Vasconcelos, André N. Carvalho, Paula Moura, José Ramos, Miguel B. Gaspar (2018)
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Human introduction or natural dispersion? Atlantic Ocean occurrence of the Indo‐Pacific whitetip reef shark Triaenodon obesus.
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Naomi S. Lastrucci, Lucas T. Nunes, Alberto Lindner, Sergio R. Floeter (2018)
An updated phylogeny of the redlip blenny genus Ophioblennius.
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Peter Gausmann (2021)
Synopsis of global fresh and brackish water occurrences of the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas Valenciennes, 1839 (Pisces: Carcharhinidae), with comments on distribution and habitat use.
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Cesar A. M. M. Cordeiro, Sergio R. Floeter, Carlos E. L. Ferreira (2024)
Brazilian Rocky Shores.
Chapter 2: 15.
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Frederico T. S. Tâmega, Guido Grimaldi, André Macedo, Sulamita O. Barbosa, Antônio B. Anderson, Eduardo Bastos, Vanessa Freire, Anderson Moreira, Celso Fernandes, Marcia A. O. Figueiredo, Pedro Bastos Carneiro, Lidiane P. Gouvêa, Paulo A. Horta (2024)
Brazilian Rhodolith Beds.
Chapter 4: 67.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-61449-1_4
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