Karl A. Lamothe, D. Andrew R. Drake, Trevor E. Pitcher, Jeremy E. Broome, Alan J. Dextrase, Ashley Gillespie, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Mark S. Poesch, Scott M. Reid, Nathalie Vachon (2019)
Reintroduction of fishes in Canada: a review of research progress for SARA-listed species.
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Ryan P. Walter, Clare J. Venney, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Daniel D. Heath (2022)
Conservation implications of revised genetic structure resulting from new population discovery: the threatened eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) in Canada.
Journal of Fish Biology100: 92.
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Scott M. Reid, Tim J. Haxton (2020)
Use of environmental DNA to detect Eastern Sand Darter (
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Scott M. Reid, Alan J. Dextrase (2017)
Monitoring lake populations of Eastern Sand Darter (Ammocrypta pellucida): a comparison of two seines.
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