Sarah A. Boyle (2016)
Pitheciids in fragmented habitats: Land cover change and its implications for conservation.
American Journal of Primatology78: 534.
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Renato R. Hilário, Leandro Jerusalinsky, Sidnei Santos, Raone Beltrão-Mendes, Stephen F. Ferrari (2017)
A primate at risk in Northeast Brazil: local extinctions of Coimbra Filho’s titi (Callicebus coimbrai).
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Sidney F. Gouveia, João Pedro Souza‐Alves, Ludmila Rattis, Ricardo Dobrovolski, Leandro Jerusalinsky, Raone Beltrão‐Mendes, Stephen F. Ferrari (2016)
Climate and land use changes will degrade the configuration of the landscape for titi monkeys in eastern Brazil.
Global Change Biology22: 2003.
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Sidney F. Gouveia, João Pedro Souza‐Alves, Bruno B. de Souza, Raone Beltrão‐Mendes, Leandro Jerusalinsky, Stephen F. Ferrari (2017)
Functional planning units for the management of an endangered Brazilian titi monkey.
American Journal of Primatology79: .
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Katarzyna Nowak, Adrian A. Barnett, Ikki Matsuda (2019)
Primates in Flooded Habitats.
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DOI: 10.1017/9781316466780
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